
The Team

Marco Rampon


At VSolutions we treat each client's business as if it were our own. For us, nothing is more important than knowing everything we can about your goals and aspirations to help you achieve them

Contact me

Massimo Didonè


Art, Design, Cinema, Music, Technology, the passions of a lifetime... Bringing your passions to the workplace and using them to achieve better results is the way we have chosen to create a motivated and highly productive team.

Contact me

The team

Massimo Didonè
Massimo Didonè


Marco Rampon
Marco Rampon


Roberta Contessa
Roberta Contessa

Admnistrative Officer

Luca Bellon
Luca Bellon

Project Manager

Francesco Roggia
Francesco Roggia

Software Developer

Andrea Campagnolo
Andrea Campagnolo

System Administrator